Welcome to my website.
This website is dedicated to serving committed Christians, and former-Christians, who are so disillusioned by Christianity that they risk rejecting Jesus Christ. I have been there and so have millions of others; in fact 64% of Americans between 18 - 29 who grew up in Christian homes have stopped 'going to church' (and that's a good thing!).
By all means, reject Christianity, but don’t reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christianity is a meaningless franchise! A conglomeration of sectarian, human organisations lorded over by a professional priesthood who have ‘a fine way of rejecting the commandments of God in order to hold fast to their anti-biblical, sectarian traditions’. Read more about my views of Christianity here.
I am appealing to you to ‘Seek the Lord’ afresh. Rediscover the Bible without layers of sectarian, anti-biblical dogma; be filled with Holy Spirit and step into the fullness of God’s New Covenant promise “I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts”.
The true Church of Jesus Christ is a family, a spiritual community led by loving parents, not a human organisation lorded over by 'hireling shepherds'. The true Church has always been a family and God's love, not dogma, is the glue that holds us together.
Christianity is dead! Long live the King!
Jesus Christ is alive and well and on his throne.
Christianity must die so that Christ's disciples can grow!
Four Big Questions Every Thinking Person Should Ask.
I hope that these questions will inspire you to begin an exciting journey of exploration and discovery, if you haven’t done so already. 1. Who am I? 2. How did I get here? 3. Why am I here? 4. What is my purpose? Four BIG questions that every religion tries to answer but very few... Continue reading→
Five BIG Questions Every Spiritual Seeker Should Settle
If ‘Four BIG Questions Every Thinking Person Should Ask’, woke you up to the realisation that you may be much more than mere ‘flesh and blood’, then it’s time to consider these five BIG questions. 1. Does God exist? 2. What is God like? 3. Why did God create us? 4. Why did God give... Continue reading→
God's Plan for Humanity.
In a series of four articles, I offer you my understanding of God's plan for humanity according to the Bible; without the usual Christian dogma!
The Bible tells us that God created a perfect world. He gave human beings dominion over the earth; to work and maintain it. He also gave us His Divine Law to ensure that we maintain peace and harmony, what I call "God's Simple Formula for a Perfect World", Love.
Unfortunately, by giving in to fear, every human being has disobeyed God's Law; by rejecting God's divine authority over His perfect creation, we have all contributed to the suffering in the world. Not one of us is perfect. However, God is patient and loving, willing to forgive all kinds of sin but, there is one Sin (with a capital 'S'), and only one Sin, that God cannot forgive; Jesus called it "The Unforgivable Sin", and to continue committing this one Sin, means certain, eternal death.
God understands our weakness and made a way to forgive all sin, including the Unforgivable Sin, and restore our good standing with Him; I call it "God's Simple Restoration Plan".
Finally, I show how Jesus Christ's 'Parable of the Prodigal Son' conveys "The Full Gospel in a Single Parable".
Check it out, it's pretty simple and straightforward.
It may be simpler than we think! When Jesus was asked, “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment of the Law”, he didn’t refer to the Ten Commandments but to the Hebrew Shema, the Israelites’ central affirmation of faith; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all... Continue reading→
The Unforgiveable Sin
There is Only One Sin that God Cannot Forgive. The Bible has many examples of God forgiving murderers, adulterers, liars, cheats and thieves; he even forgave those who crucified him. Have no doubt that God is always willing to forgive sin, he understands our human weaknesses, but there is one sin, only one Sin (let's... Continue reading→
God’s Simple Restoration Plan.
In the first two articles in this four-part series, we learned about “God’s Simple Plan for a Perfect World” and “The Unforgivable Sin”; in this article we will learn about “God’s Simple Restoration Plan”, or the process of Repentance. Repentance is the key to reconciliation with God and each other. Problem, Plan and Promise. When... Continue reading→
The Full Gospel in a Single Parable.
In Luke 15:11-24, Jesus tells a parable about a young man, the son of a loving, wealthy father. Dissatisfied with living under his loving father’s authority, this entitled young man demands his share of his father’s estate, intending to leave the comfort and safety of the family home, to make his own way in the... Continue reading→
Bible Study and Discipleship Courses
I am preparing a series of Bible study and discipleship courses, starting with a weekly, free "Bible Study for Truth-seekers" and a four-week "Introduction to the Joy of Bible Study". Below is short introduction to these two Bible studies.
Find out more in the 'Courses' section of this website.

Free Online Bible Study.
In these free Bible studies I hope to inspire you to consider the validity of the Bible as some form of "official record of God's dealing with humanity" unlike any other religious text. What really sets the Bible apart from all other religious texts is evidence of information that far exceeds any human comprehension at the time of writing. In fact, many of the human writers would not have understood the significance of what they were writing at the time.
There are also interesting little cameos that have a distinct "Ring of Truth" about them; hidden truths and hidden agendas that no human writer could have manufactured. Here are a few that I hope to cover in future Bible Studies; I have posted some as Quizzes on the "Courses Blog".
- Why did Judah get the sceptre?
- What was Ahithophel's hidden agenda?
- Why did Hezekiah cry like a baby?
- Why a snake in the Garden of Eden?
- Why the curse of pain in childbirth?
- and many more.
Check out the Free Bible Study page for dates and times.
Introduction to The Joy of Bible Study.
With this four-week "Introduction to the Joy of Bible Study" I hope to inspire and empower you to become an effective disciple of Jesus Christ. The course has four main sections as outlined below, one per week.
- Bible study as spiritual warfare: the Bible is a spiritual armoury.
- Internal validation of the Bible: Messianic promises, prophecies and types.
- External validation of the Bible: the World's only 'living archaeology'.
- Bible study Tools for in-depth Bible study: Equipping you for discipleship.
Find out more in the "Courses" section of my website.